When I tried out the existing copy of Wizardry V: Heart of the Maelstrom, everything worked fine until I hit disk 'E' -- then the game crapped out. I'm assuming this is the 'one bad sector' the original poster mentioned. ;) Anyway, here's a copy from my own originals that seemed to work (so far). I think my copy of 'G' was bad, but it'll take me a little while to get down that far to test it. (I haven't copied over my old characters yet, and, well, my maps are all long gone...) (The rest of the WizV disks are in the images/games/rpg/WizardryV section.) Requests: An updated Micro League Baseball with some more team disks, and Might & Magic II. jeff. a sucker for the classics (vsp@netaxs.com)