Icons! IIcons! Icons! Icons!


About this Archive -> MegaIcons.shk

Itąs a ShrinkIt archive - use ShrinkIt IIgs v1.1 to unshrink it

This is a fairly good-sized collection of IIgs icons that Iąve been collecting
over the years that Iąve had my GS. I have gone through all my icon files (and
boy is my mouse tired!) and picked out those that are good quality, nice to look
at, and most importantly, haven't been seen in a while, or at all in the GS
community. Some of these icons are from way back, and are for older programs
(like the ones for the games), some are icons that people have done for GS
things that didnąt have icons to begin with, some are the original program icons
that came with the softs (for those of you who buy used software that might not
have all the pieces), and some are ones that Iąve done. A few months ago, a
collection of some marvelous icons for the GS, including some patterned after
the łpuzzle piece˛ icons of the Macintoys, was released. Iąve noticed some more
icons in that style pop up here and there and Iąve put them in this archive for
you. I donąt know about you, but I rather like them.

What Do We Have Here?
There are four files in this archive:
Icons.Too - Icons for programs and other such
Icons.Fore - File icons
Icons.Ate - Games and fun icons
Read.Me - Duh, youąre reading it now 

Icons Too
Program icons, ranging from the original Music Studio icon to some icons for
various inits and Finder Extras. On a great deal of these, especially the older
ones, Iąm not too sure about the filetype the icon is supposed to recognize. You
may have to fix it on some of the icons. Just toss them into your favorite icon

Icons Fore

File icons, Śnuff said. Most of these are for filetypes that donąt have icons
either. I did most of these icons, so I hope you like them. Now be warned: the
icons for the GIF and 3200-color format pictures are not keyed to the binary
filetype, but rather to the individual filetypes for those files (PNT/$8006 for
GIF and PIC/$0002 for 3200-color pics). Heck, most people donąt realize that the
GS even has separate filetypes for these formats! Also, the last four icons in
this file are for the various files used and created by METAL/FutureVision BBS

Icons Ate
This file has icons for games. Most of these are the original icons that came
with the games, but some are łalternative˛ icons done by other users. I pulled
icons out of every game I had, and then went to my friends to browse through
their disks for icons. Letąs face it: those little hand-and-diamond program
icons are boring, especially for games. Grind your Windoze and Mac friends into
the dirt with some really awesome icons for your games!


I wish I knew who did some of these icons, but thatąs the biggest problem about
collecting software, especially for the GS. Eventually, the names get lost. If
you see an icon that is actually one that youąve done, I apologize for not
asking permission, but I just donąt know who to ask or thank for some of these
brilliant little bits of art. Well, Iąm going to thank everyone whose icons
these are right now. Oh yeah, before I forget. These files are provided as a
service to the Apple IIgs community at large. Copyrighted icons, product names
and company logos located herein are the property of their respective owners. In
no way does this file intend, or should be construed to intend, an infringement
upon or challenge to that fact.

Thanks for making this available go to:

David łCaptain Harlock˛ Scott

(Last known contact info follows)

